We Love Probiotics!

We love making our customers lives better & we wanted to share with you some testimonials we have from real patients of Dr. Challa.

I’ve noticed immediate results since I have been taking Probulin for IBS. I’ve tried other products and nothing worked for me. I don’t feel as gassy or bloated anymore.– Ann, age 57

“Your form of probiotic, Probulin, has done tremendous things for me. I went from either having constipation for days to having diarrhea for days. My stomach is no longer bloated and I do not feel sick when I do eat. The biggest reason I know Probulin works for me is because my first bottle ran out, so I had to go one day without, and I got sick. I had very bad diarrhea, also I felt like my stomach was going to burst. As soon as I started your Probulin I instantly got better: no more gas, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, and nausea.” – Megan, age 16

“Before Probulin, I only had a BM once a week. I have been taking Probulin since the middle of June and it has been great. It keeps me extremely regular. Thank you so much.” – Sherri, age 41

“Probulin has reduced the tightness and swelling in my stomach, as well as regulating bowels, so that now I can go out to eat with my friends again. It has balanced my system all-together. I am now taking Probulin regularly.” – Joyce, age 79

Have a Probulin testimonial you’d like to share with us? Please do so, we’d love to hear!

~The Probulin Team 

Recipe of the Day






We would like to share with you a probiotic Sauerkraut recipe which comes from Dr. Shekhar Challa’s book Probiotics For Dummies. Please let us know how you like it! sauerkrat