Probiotics for Babies: Impact Seen Until Age 4

A study published this month in Clinical and Experimental Allergy found that infants exposed to probiotics (specifically Lactobacillus rhamnosus) from 35 weeks to age 2 were at less risk for getting eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis. (For a detailed report, click here.

The “protective effect,” according to the article on Medscape, lasted until age 4. The probiotics were given to the mothers before the babies were born and continuing after birth for six months if the mothers were breastfeeding. Then the babies got the supplements directly.

The incidence of eczema was significantly reduced, backing up other studies that found the same results but had tracked the children only to about 2 years of age.

So at your next baby shower, you might want to consider giving mom a bottle of Probulin – along with, of course,  print out of the study so she doesn’t think you just raided your bathroom cabinet for a gift.


Go with your Gut,

The Probulin Team